part time waitress jobs near me
What should you wear to a Waitress Interview A staggering 70% of hiring managers point to clothing choice as a crucial element in the process of interviewing. When we're preparing for a waitress interview we're aware of the delicate balance between professional and approachable clothes. We know it's essential to present ourselves in a way that reflects the establishment's atmosphere while maintaining an individual look. We'll choose a sleek, tailored look with an elegant blouse or button-down shirt with a well-fitted pair of slacks or a slim skirt. We'll pick shoes that combine the comfort of a pair with a stylish look, since they'll help us stay on our feet during an intense shift. Together, we'll navigate the finer points of personal dressing and accessories, making sure that we leave an impression that's both polished and personal. Let's be confident in our dress code, which is a reflection of our professionalism as well ...